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Top 30 Health Startups in Africa & Middle East according to Bayer Pharmaceuticals 

TOP 90, globally

Our innovation in formula, approach and dynamic thinking by women, truly made for women, has been recognised by multiple international health giants.

Quality of ingredients & manufacturing standards of the highest level. 

Honest Hormones is the first natural wellness company tailored for women that is honest and transparent about the science and respects herbals the way they should be respected.
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Our promises

Internationally certified for the promise of quality and respect for mother nature.

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Honest Hormones ISO Accreditation 1
Honest Hormones FSSC Prize Winner 1
Honest Hormones Ocean Friendly Business 1
Honest Hormones FDA Approved
Logos 1

make it easy and affordable for women to live better

The vision:

At the very core we are a women first practice. Which means that we use the dynamic knowledge of integrative medicine  with all the power of clinical data and continuous scientific research.

The historical reason as to why our products are the first of their kind?

Women's health was and still remains severely underfunded. The reason why? Our hormonal fluctuations make the process of approving pharmaceuticals longer, harder and much more costly. 


Excluding women from early stages of drug trials led to a shortage of data on how drugs affect women.

This brought us to create the innovative solutions that we have carefully studied, researched and developed over 4 years with experts - from general practitioners, to endocrinologists, functional physicians and biochemists. 

We are here to revolutionise the way you live your life and take control of your health.

Our Proud Numbers

We are fully sustainable.



All our materials, from the capsules, are green and carbon neutral. 



Only the best combinations of adaptogens, herbals and bioactive compounds that do what they say they do. 

Developed by biochemists and doctors


No secret ingredient, just the right combination of vitamins, minerals & plants.

We are a natural pharmaceutical company that helps women live better through the use of intelligent ingredients and doctor-made formulations.

Birth Control Balance & Model 2
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